Poochie's Pad + Brainfood + Thanks! =

Gawd, there are so many good people to thank... XP Well, not really 'cause so many people are so freakin mean. ^_^ I'm a hypocrite. XP Um... da da da okay here the people I thank are in bold and the reason why I thank them is in NoRmAl text. =D

My parents
My mommy doesn't really want me to have the computer, but it's okay with her. And dad... he's the reason why I have this computer. And guess what? He's programming a new one for me!! *jumps for joy*

Without them (especially the language arts teachers on this one), I be writing like a baby. Goo goo ga ga. No wait, they'd type like this: dsldlueadlk;jdsoiaowekdk;d;c XP

How inspiring their games are. ^_^ I love the original Nintendo chars. too, as well as some of the Rare characters. =) They're so cool...

My friends
Well there are a few in particular. ^_^ There's Crystal and Stephanie R. and their friends for giving me inspiration and for teaching me to laugh... Krissa and Christine A. for the criticism (T_T), Ashley L. and Kristine S. and those people, for keeping me off my lazy butt, and Jerell R. for putting me in a bad mood (j/k). lol And Kevin, Stephanie, and James H. for still being loyal friends, even though they moved to some really nice city a couple miles away. O_O Weally nice people.

My dolls
They're my friends, too. <=) It's nice to know that when your living friends are mad at you, there's the fluffy friends that are still on your side to make you happy again. *glares @ Kevin* However, some people just can't help but laugh at little girls who think their stuffed animals are alive... Oh, and those baby-imitating dolls I rather throw into the oven. >=P Or better yet, give them to Krissa so tear the hair off of. Muahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! XP And the fish... stick them on the frying pan. >=D Nah, Ali will hurt me if I do that. Oo;;;;

My neighbor, Fred
Left-handed artist and VERY talented artist he was. =P I was inspired off of him. He drew Samurai Pizza Cats!!! ^.^ Loved that show when I was in elementary school... Fred's mom made used to make us cakes for our birthdays and he would draw our fav. Sanrio char. on the cake with the icing, and surprisingly, black icing tastes good. =9 He also moved but we visit every now and then.

Poochie asks What do you want?
brain food
eye candy

Poochie's Pad and all sub-sites within it are © Mary Anne M. 2001-2002