PokéTS >> Team #4: 1st Generation
This team was my very first on the original Pokémon games. However, I thought this team was strong because of how they looked. XP But... you know, now I have a better brain. ^_^ SCiMiTAR has yet to evolve, so I have her hold Metal Coat. I also have her know the steel and flying type attacks if the opponent is also a bug or anything like that. Charizard was also gotten from trade. He holds Sharp Beak instead of Charcoal because two of his four attacks are flying attacks. He also knows steel wing, like SCiMiTAR, and Flamethrower to burn the opponent out of the competition. GENA is my hard-earned Gyarados, raised from Magikarp. Yep, she wasn't caught as a Gyarados, unlike some peoples' Gyarados I know of... anyway, GENA holds Przcureberry in case her electric types decide to paralyze her. She also knows Fire Blast if the opponent decides to be dumb and sends out a plant type (Gyarados is a water AND flying!!), in my case everyone I've battled is stupid enough to throw out the plant type before my GENA. This time, my cute little MANGO, smallest of the gang, holds Bright Powder to make up for his lack of defense. SKYSTONE was also gotten through trade. If he is frozen in mid-air he can just gulp down a burnt berry and fight again. Mewtwo was another traded Pokémon, and I have yet to give him more powerful or effective attacks, so yeah.
Holds: Metal Coat False
Swipe |
Holds: Sharp Beak Wing
Attack |
Holds: Przcureberry Surf |
Holds: Bright Powder Quick
Attack |
Holds: Burnt Berry Wing
Attack |
Holds: Bright Powder Blizzard |