
Level 2: Pikachu's Play Days >> Ochre

You should have a toolbox by the time you get here. Bulbasaur needs three ingredients for the picnic main dish, plus one extra of the ingredient you think tastes best. While you're here you can also pick up the food around you and put them in your toolbox. Thus, you can cash them in for a couple PikaPoints. Don't forget the ingredients, though! When you want Pikachu to send an ingredient, say OK or Sure. If you don't, tell it No. Also remember to collect chest nuts, pumpkins, and other great food. Mushrooms aren't worth very much and neither are herbs or whistle leafs.

Also, look for a huge cave that is easily visible. Get Pikachu to notice it and it'll find an egg. Abra will appear and take the egg with it. =) Guess what you found? It's Togepi's egg.