
Here's the list of items that are automatically placed in your Inventory of the toolbox you'll get as your game progresses. These items are permanent once you get them (unless you decide not to save). Some are helpful and some seem useless. Remember, words in red are words Pikachu knows. Green words are some words of wisdom. Words in italic are my side comments.

PokeHelper PokeHelper - A computer with a microphone "It's my pride and joy." This is the very first item you get when you start playing.

cupcake cupcake - Mom's homemade treat "Your mom made this snack for you. It looks delicious." Feed this to Pikachu. It looks cute! If it just looks at the cup cake, tell it to taste it or eat it. This is given to you when you get your toolbox.

beach ball>
<b>beach ball</b> - A colorful, bouncy ball <font color="It's fun to throw it around. Try playing catch with it!" I tried playing catch with Pikachu, and when it actually caught the ball, it threw it back! It was so cute! You get this when Pikachu apologizes for giving all the food in your toolbox away to the hungry Caterpie.

fishing hook fishing hook - An item for catching Pokemon "This is a safety hook that won't hurt Pokemon." Pikachu will automatically give this to you when you first start fishing with it.

watering can watering can -A can for watering plants "Give this to PIKACHU right away whenever it wants it." After watering three times, Pikachu will go and refill it at a water hole. This consumes a lot of time. Pikachu has this when you first visit Springleaf.

watering jug watering jug - A jug that holds a lot of water "With this, your water should last longer." Pikachu can water plants up to thirty times with this until it needs a refill. In Springleaf Field on the Daring Days level, make sure to notify Pikachu if it's in the path of of a Diglett, because if Pikachu trips over it, it'll lose all the water. You can get this jug by buying it at Abra's Shop in Springleaf Field on the Play Days level.

megaphone megaphone - The very first PokeHelper "I used this to talk to Pokemon before I had the PokeHelper." You use this only in the Megaphone Game, which you'll encounter once in a while.

harmonica harmonica - A musical instrument "I wonder if PIKACHU can play it for you." You get this when you hit the pinata at the Cobalt Coast in the Play Days level. Pikachu plays it there to summon Lapras so you can visit Cobalt. You can also get Pikachu to play the harmonica any time you want. It's really cute.

lucky hook lucky hook - A better fishing hook "You can catch a wider variety of Pokemon with this hook." This hook is awesome. My sisters and I caught tons of new Pokemon with this at the Cobalt Fishing Hole in the Discovery Days level. You get the chance to buy it at Abra's Shop located in the Daring Days level, Ochre.

flying acorn flying acorn - An acorn with wings on it "This flies very well. Throw it at things hanging in trees." Really, I don't use this to knock things down. I have Pikachu use Thunder Jolt to get things from trees. You can find this at Abra's Shop in Daring Day's Ochre.